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Crew Positions

  • Gaffer
  • Lighting Technician – Set Electric
  • Grip
  • Best Boy (Grip)
  • Key Grip

Production Credits

Key Grip, Best Grip Boy, and Gaffer for my thesis film “H.O.A” on Vimeo. I currently have no professional years of experience but what I lack in experience I make up with determination and motivation.

Career Highlights

My career highlight is finding all the actors to be in my school film in one night and the day before.


Hi, I’m Matt and I bring a lot to the table, I’m highly motivated and always looking for a solution. I’ve done running start and directly went into the film program at Central Washington University. I’ve been very eager to get started, I feel like I bring a unique perspective to the film world. I am currently 20 and have done a lot to get where I am and I want to continue that with SFP.