We need your help to #Keep film in Washington Alive

As a fan of local film work done by professionals and amateurs with events like the upcoming 50 Hour Slam, the Spokane Film project is reaching out to you to help us keep the community alive through job creating and maintaining efforts like Washington Filmworks‘ #Keep Film in WA.

Washington FIlmworks is asking for your help because this is a critical moment for House Bill 1527 (HB 1527), the bill to renew the Motion Picture Competitiveness Program.  Washington Filmworks and the Spokane Film Project are asking you to write and call  Representative Marcus Riccelli (D, 3).

When you write please thank him for his leadership and support on the bill to renew the Motion Picture Competitiveness Program.  We also ask that you encourage Representative Riccelli to keep the funding structure for the program the same.  There is an ongoing discussion in Olympia about changing the funding structure of the program which require that we renew every two years (whereas the current bill extends the program for 10 years.)

Please let Representative Riccelli know that you support renewal of the Motion Picture Competitiveness Program as it is currently structured in HB 1527.  Ask him to let Representative Kristine Lytton (D, 40) know of your concerns.  Changing the program to one that depends on biennial appropriations will cause uncertainty and limit investments in film in this state. We have included a sample letter below.

Representative Riccelli needs to know that we support him in Olympia so encourage your friends, family and colleagues who live or work in the Spokane region to contact him as well.

Email:  marcus.riccelli@leg.wa.gov
Phone:  360-786-7888

Action on HB 1527 is scheduled to occur next Friday in the House Finance Committee – so the time time to act is NOW!

Should you have any questions, please let Washington Filmworks know at:

F:(206) 382-4343
E: Info@WashingtonFilmworks.org


Dear Representative Riccelli,

My name is X and I am a film industry professional (or supporter) who lives (or works) in the Spokane area.

I wanted to write and thank you for prime sponsoring the bill to renew the Motion Picture Competitiveness Program.  It means a lot to me that one of our local elected officials is leading the charge in Olympia to get this legislation passed since it has had such an important impact here in the Spokane area.

I do also want to express my concern about changing the funding structure of the Motion Picture Competitiveness Program. Changing the program to one that depends on biennial appropriations will cause uncertainty and limit investments in film in this state. I strongly support the renewal of the Motion Picture Competitiveness Program as it is currently structured in HB 1527.

Please share my concerns with Representative Kristine Lytton as the bill is currently in the House Finance Committee awaiting action. And please do let me know how I can support your important efforts in Olympia to get this bill passed.

Your Name
Contact Information