Educational Projects by the Spokane Film Project.
A discussion on the procedures and protocols to keep a set safe while shooting action sequences with department heads that play a key role.
Here are two questions every filmmaker has asked. “ I finished my screenplay now what?” Or” I finished my short film now what?” A panel discussion with filmmakers and writers with experience of using festivals as a way to share their creations successfully. What are the steps one should take and things you should be considering before going the festival route with your project?
A live virtual panel on April 24th at 10:30 am.
Jade Warpenburg, Director of Photography with local production house KINDNESS and SYFY’s Z Nation shares his experience, talents, and tricks of the trade- to enhance telling stories by using a camera, lights, and lenses.
Panel discussion with industry professionals
Panel discussion with industry professionals
A panel of professional Professional Producers of TV, Film, Commercial, Corporate, and Music Video share what they bring to a project. Topics will include everything from nuts and bolts producing to how to collaborate with cast, crew, directors, and clients.
Panel discussion Union members from Screen Actors Guild, Directors Guild, and IATSE. These professionals talk about the challenges of entering the film and television industry, the importance of the Unions and why industry standards are important for you to know.
A Discussion about Directing in television and film today and the variety of director types in the business.
In Spokane Film Project’s 4th and final panel discussion of 2019 we attack the role of a director. With diverse group of professional directors share their thoughts on directing, the different type of directors, collaborating with other creatives and how the vast variety of platforms effect their approach to storytelling.